About Us

About Sujok

Prof. Park Jae Woo

"Sujok" Is A Korean acupressure practice developed by Late Prof. Park Jae Woo, a Korean scientist . Sujok is a combination of two words. In Korean 'Su' means hands and 'Jok' means feet. Thus, SuJok actually means treating on hands (palms) and feet (feet). It is an instant and effective healing practice without medication and is absolutely safe and does not have any side effects. Only natural seeds are used for remedy. Results of sujok acupressure are permanent. Time taken in curing problem varies from one to five days barring few problems

Dr. Meena Singh

"Dr. Meena Singh" is consultant for sujok acupressure practice for last ten years. She helped people from all walks of life to heal naturally with Sujok acupressure practice. According to Dr. Meena Singh sujok acupressure practice is most recent, most effective and most safe without any side effects, which is generally not the case with other types of remedys. She has cured Sciatica, migraine, vitamin D deficiency, cervical, back pain, thyroid, tennis elbow, uric acid, dental problem, muscle cramps, joint pain, frozen shoulders and many other problems. She has also consulate people on phone and provided practice on whatsapp or email. She has cured people of all ages and gender, her patients include 80 years old, 5 year old children, government officers, businessmen, housewives to name a few. People for their problems tried various remedys for 10 to 15 years without any relief got their problems solved in 7 to 10 days with SUJOK ACUPRESSURE. This practice does not warrant any precaution and one can have this practice with other practice or remedies. This practice activates body’s natural healing process which is most powerful and fast healing process. Since this practice does not use any outside substance, it has no side effects. This practice is also very cheap as compared to other remedys.

Another beautiful aspect is, children love this practice, because they need not take any bitter medicine or painful injection for them it is another play. Children respond to this practice very fast. One can apply this practice while working or sleeping, it does not interfere with one’s daily routine. Now this practice is available round the clock online across India @ www.mssujok.com.

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